To take advantage of the On Location files supplied on the CD:
1- Load the On Location DA (supplied on this version of The Reference and Presentations Library CD in "Fonts & Software: Utilities") into your System using Font/DA Mover.
2- Put the following files found in the On Location folder into your System Folder:
OL Startup file
OL Updater file
OL File Kinds file
Claris folder
3- Restart your Macintosh.
4- Choose "On Location" from the Apple Menu.
5- Click on the Apple Ref. & Pres. Library CD volume in the On Location window to search.
6- Select either Filename or Text from the On Location window.
7- Choose how to match your search ("Contains", "Matches exactly", etc.) from the On Location window.
8- Type the search text.
9-The list will show the items that match the search text.
10- Double click on any item in the list to view that file.